Understanding Effective Access to Justice-workshop paper

Developing Materials, access to justice

Categories: Developing KYR Materials
Tags: access to justice, Developing Materials
Author: Open Society Justice Initiative

Principals & Components

Review the principals and components of effective early legal advocacy

PLA/PP National Cohort

Learn more about the National Cohort and how we support existing and emerging programs

Program Spotlights

Explore the groundbreaking work of early legal advocacy programs across the country


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Join the PLA/PP National Cohort

Interested in learning more about the Cohort? Please fill out the form on the right in order to join. While we’re always excited to welcome new programs to the group, you don’t have to be part of an existing PLA/PP program to participate in the Cohort. The Cohort is intended to serve as a resource for any stakeholders interested in learning more about early legal advocacy and its capacity to prevent unnecessary family separation. For questions about the Cohort, please e-mail Emilie Cook at etcook2@emory.edu.