Program Spotlights

CLA’s Family Preservation Project

FLASC: A Law Clinic Model for Preventive Legal Advocacy

CLC’s Pre-Filing Representation Project
Read about efforts in LA County to build on the success of CLC’s Pre-Filing Representation Project in providing lawyers to parenting foster youth before a petition is filed in court alleging abuse

Brooklyn Defenders Join Fight Against Racial Bias in NYC Family Policing System
In a move to shed light on the institutional racism entrenched within the family policing system, Brooklyn Defender Services united with fellow New York City family defender organizations to submit joint testimony

Family First: A group of Washington lawyers works to keep infants with their mothers
Read about the FIRST Clinic, one of the country’s first pre-petition legal representation programs, in which attorneys provide legal services to parents before children are removed from their care and before a

Cornerstones of Interdisciplinary Prevention Advocacy
An overview of the prevention work at Dependency Advocacy Center to help contribute to building best practices for preventive representation and support.

Youth Rights & Justice: Family Defense Project
The Family Defense Project (FDP) works with Multnomah County parents whose children are at risk of entering the foster care system. By addressing legal and resource needs, FDP will empower families, protect

Forest Cove Diaspora: Building Trust with Our Neighbors
Six years ago, AVLF made a transformational decision to shift the organization toward place-based work. Learn more about AVLF’s Standing With Our Neighbors program.

Ohio Courts at Forefront of Child Custody Reform Project
The early successes of one Ohio court initiative to stabilize families entangled in child welfare concerns has led to the largest expansion by any state attempting similar improvements to its legal system.

Increasing Pre-Petition Legal Advocacy to Keep Families Together
Since the inauguration of its prevention work, Legal Services of New Jersey has received more than 200 referrals from across the state and not one child involved in those cases has been

Preserving Families Through High-Quality Pre-Petition Representation
Iowa Legal Aid’s Parent Representation Project has provided extended representation and services to nearly 300 clients, keeping a total of 468 children out of the juvenile court system.